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Itty Bitty Citrus Bickie Box

Product information



Our stunning gift box of buttery shortbread bites will charm everyone who loves lemon, lime or orange. Taste each bickie one by one or go full citrus blast and pop all three flavours into the mouth at once. You butter believe it!


  • 45x Itty Bitty Citrus Bickies

Additional Info

Contains no nuts, though we do cook in a kitchen that uses nuts.


Store in the fridge for up to 12 months.

Item Information

  • Itty Bitty Citrus Bickies

    Our gift box of Itty Bitty Citrus Bickies is a welcome treat for any shortbread lover. Filled to the brim with handcrafted bite size cookies they are bright citrus infused shortbread. We don't know which will be your favourite, it is so hard to choose between the lemon, lime or orange. Best try all three at once for a citrus blast. They are just as the name implies, itty bitty, the perfect mini bite for anyone at all!

Nutritional Info

  • Itty Bitty Citrus Bickies

    flour, butter, sugar, rice flour, egg yolk, salt, orange zest, lemon zest, lime zest, orange oil, lemon oil, lime oil